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--  作者:神龙中国
--  发布时间:6/17/2005 1:44:09 PM

--  Tom's diner

    这首歌是苏珊娜薇格(Suzanne Vega)在她常去的街角的一家叫做Tom\'s Restaurant 的咖啡店用早餐时的随写。整首歌其实非常简单,用一般的口语将捕捉到的一些生活剪影呈现出来。从薇格走进汤姆的店里等候咖啡开始,许多现代都会单身上班族走进类似咖啡早餐店时都有的寻常经验,如店员与熟识客人的亲密招呼、窗外对着透明玻璃整理裤袜的女士、脑里偶然闪过的过往记忆,都在薇格干净又有点磁性的清唱嗓音中,被速写成了这一首可能是有史以来被翻唱改编最多的一首小品。


    这种在晨雨中独自走进纽约咖啡老店,「偷得都市半(小)时闲」的心境,有点慵懒,人单影只的独处也有点落寞,然而却也非常爵士。在窗外淋湿头发,慌乱地整理仪容的落汤女的对照下,汤姆的店里的薇格有一份都会生活中难得的静谥。报纸里充斥的社会新闻永远只报导我们司空见惯的都市残酷现实与疏离的旧闻,一如大多数人,薇格宁可转向娱乐版面。然而都市有其吊诡的美,随时就在咖啡馆的大窗户里展览。端起一杯咖啡,转头看向窗外,那是一幅一幅的浮世绘。若是像薇格在这都市仍在半睡半醒的朦胧时刻,让穿过逐渐纷扰的大街传来的教堂钟声,混合着咖啡飘起来的香味,勾引出「很久很久」(Once upon a time)以前的爱情往事,那就是莫内笔下的印象派了。

    薇格在歌曲末尾,早餐结束前,因教堂钟声而联想到了男友的声音,怀念起「雨还没有下之前」(二人未分开前)与男友共午夜野餐的热恋情景。此时看到眼前湿答答依旧不断落下的雨,不免心生怨意。这里的抱怨,其实同时也可能是对于又要赶车去开始一天忙碌生活时的一份「早晨忧郁」(morning blue),外头的雨只是适时的成为她宣泄心情的代罪羔羊。

    另外,这首清唱版的歌因为旋律十分吸引人受到各国爱好者的翻唱,或改动歌词,或重新编曲混因,以不同风格呈现。在唱片公司发现这些版本后,薇格并没有采取法律行动将它们终结,反而把它们结集成之前介绍的名为《汤姆专辑》(Tom\'s Album) 的CD唱片。内容除了先前介绍的波斯湾战争版,还有带有生活哲思的北欧版、有细腻描写疼爱女儿却对于女儿的真实生活面完全无知的父亲的饶舌版、有混合美国旧影集《太空仙女恋》的主题曲作为专播老电影与影集的电视台开播广告的怀旧版、还有加勒比海地区翻唱的雷鬼版,都非常有意思。薇格本人非常喜欢 DNA 这个团所混音的舞曲版,决定将它以单曲发行,以致这首歌更加广受欢迎。后来在2001年的她的精选集(The Best of Suzanne Vega: Tried and True)里所收录的<汤姆的店>就是这个混音舞曲版。

Tom\'s Diner

I am sitting in the morning
At the diner on the corner
I am waiting at the counter
For the man to pour the coffee

And he fills it only halfway
And before I even argue
He is looking out the window
At somebody coming in

"It is always nice to see you"
Says the man behind the counter
To the woman who has come in
She is shaking her umbrella

And I look the other way
As they are kissing their hellos
I\'m pretending not to see them
And instead I pour the milk

And I open up the paper
There\'s a story of an actor
Who had died while he was drinking
It was no one I had heard of

And I\'m turning to the horoscope
And looking for the funnies
When I\'m feeling someone watching me
And so I raise my head

There\'s a woman on the outside
Looking inside. Does she see me?
No she does not really see me
Cause she sees her own reflection

And I\'m trying not to notice
That she\'s hitching up her skirt
And while she\'s straightening her stockings
Her hair has gotten wet

Oh, this rain it will continue
Through the morning as I\'m listening
To the bells of the cathedral
I am thinking of your voice…

And of the midnight picnic
Once upon a time before the rain began…
I finish up my coffee
It\'s time to catch the train

Da da da da…

下载地址:Tom\'s diner

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-1 22:25:06编辑过]